Having wealth creates its own set of unique challenges, time consuming
responsibilities and serious dilemmas. High net worth individuals and their
families are confronted with the need to make decisions on the legal and tax
structuring of their assets, on investments, on hiring and firing of in-house or
outside advisers, managers and staff, the negotiation of fees, contributions to
family and friends in need as well as charities. The list goes on and on.
Advice from conventional sources can be compromised in many ways: by vested
interests, the limitations of old advisers in new finacial situations or the
(family) relationship with you.
ABP Services is independent from any service provider or sponsor. The organisation
is operated as a private, independent and stable family based partnership culture.
It has a history of successful investment management and the opportunity exists for
clients to invest alongside the founders, on a multi manager best of breed approach.
We see it as our mission to assist our clients to generate a healthy return and
to preserve their wealth.
Hendrik J. Teunissen
Chairman |